Prof. Dr. Uta M. Quasthoff

Professor for German Linguistics and Language Education at the University of Dortmund, Department of German Language and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences






Studies at the University of Utah and the Free University Berlin


Ph.D. in German Linguistics


Habilitation in linguistics


C2 Professor at the Free University of Berlin


Heisenberg-Fellowship of the German National Science Foundation DFG; Affiliation: Faculty of Linguistics and Literature at the University of Bielefeld


Professor for German Linguistics and Language Education at the University of Dortmund


Vice-Dean of the Faculty Cultural Sciences at the University of Dortmund


Elected board member of the Center for Teacher Training at the University of Dortmund


Dean of the Faculty Cultural Sciences at the University of Dortmund


Vice-Rector for Educational Programs and Student Affairs at the University of Dortmund

Since 2009

retired from teaching assignments; activities in research, doctoral supervision and research management.






·         German Linguistic Society (DGfS)

·         Society for Applied Linguistics (GAL)

·         Symposion German Didactics (SDD)

·         German Sociological Association (DGS),
Section Sociology of Knowledge




Organization of International Conferences (excerpt)


Organization of 2nd annual conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) in Berlin (together with Prof. Dr. Norbert Dittmar, Free University Berlin, and Dr. Christopher Habel, Technical University, Berlin)


Organization of working group “Development of text-semantic and pragmatic skills” at the 2nd annual conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) in Berlin (together with Dr. Heinz Wimmer, Psychological Institute, University of Salzburg, Austria)


Organization of working group “Structure and Development of Children’s discourses” at the annual conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Heidelberg (together with Dr. Gisela Klann-Delius, Free University Berlin)


Organization of the first colloquium within the German Research Foundation (DFG) focus Language Acquisition, Sprockhövel, Germany


Organization of the symposium “Narrative Development  in Children” at the Fifth International Congress for the Study of Child Language in Budapest (together with PD Dr. Katharina Meng, Academy of Sciences (Akademie der Wissenschaften), German Democratic Republic


Organization of working group “Universalien in Erzählungen” (“Universals in Narration”) at the conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) in Bremen, Germany (together with Prof. Dr. Johannes Schwitalla)


Organization and scientific management on the German side of theTroisièmeColloque Franco-Allemand de la Xénophobie, Nancy, France (together with Dr. Martina Drescher, Bielefeld, Germany)


Organization and management of the Section Orality: Teaching Goals and Classroom Reality. A comparison. (Sektion Mündlichkeit: „Unterrichtsziele und Unterrichtswirklichkeit im Vergleich“) at the Symposium German Didactics, Berlin (together with Prof. Dr. Michael Becker-Mrotzek)


Initiation and organization of the First and Second Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Didactics, University of Dortmund, Germany


Organization of the Panel Narrative Interaction at the 7th International Pragmatics Conference in Budapest


Assistance in organization and management of “Schools in Trouble: Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances”, 1st International Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Dortmund Research Group on Youth, School, and Education


Member of Scientific Board of International Conference Conversation Analysis, Mannheim, Germany




Awards and Invitations

·         Three guest professorships at the University of Vienna, Dept. of Linguistics.

·         1999: Invited teaching appointments at various universities; invited further training course in “Language Acquisition” with the “Pedagogical Institute” in Southern Tyrol, Italy

·         Elected (deputy) referee with the German National Science Foundation 2000-2004

·         Reviewer for Thyssen Foundation, Volkswagen Foundation, FWS Austrian Science Fund, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

·         Reviewer for various institutions and foundations (national and international);Advisory editor for numerous international journals

·         Member of Scientific Board: Journal for Elementary School Research (ZfG) and interlocution research: online-journal on verbal interaction

·         Participation in the “Expertenkommission” Ausbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Teacher Training in Northrhine-Westphalia) (“Baumert-Kommission“, 2007)

·         Member of the “ExpertenkommissionLehrerbildung (Teacher Training) in Berlin (chair: Prof. Baumert, 2012)

·         Reviewer in two accreditation committees of university teacher training programs in Lower Saxony, Germany




Experience and Activities in the Supervision of Doctoral Students

·         1999 – 2003 Mentor within the framework of a program for the support of young Ph.D. scientists in Baden-Württemberg, Germany

·         Since 2007 Mentor in the NRW-program mentoring3 (Universitäts-Allianz Metropole Ruhr)

·         Member of the interdisciplinary research group and Promotionskolleg “Was ist der Mensch? Natur – Kultur – Sprache“, funded by Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut in Essen and University of Dortmund




Supervision of Doctoral Students (in progress)


Currently supervised (as primary supervisor)

Ann-Christin Buttlar
Towards the (In-) Compatibility between Teachers’ Verbal Reactions and Pupils’ Activities: Analyses of Teachers’ Practices in Classroom Interaction

Madeleine Domenech
Investigating Written Argumentative Language Skills by GSL-Learners in German Secondary Schools – between Linguistic and Familial Resources

Astrid Drick
Language training in kindergarten – an empirically based intervention method for advancing narrative skills in children (Sprachförderung im Kindergarten - eine empirisch fundierte Interventionsmethode zur Förderung der kindlichen Erzählfähigkeit)

Antje Krah
Thesis title…tba




Currently supervised (as secondary supervisor)

Marjan Bijani
Assessing the Intercultural Communicative Competence: Substantiating the Process Model of Intercultural Competence

Verena Feldhaus
Central exams (“Zentrale Prüfungen 10”) in the field - an explorative study using the example of German instruction in Realschulen

Karin Roth
Thesis title….tba




Completed supervised dissertations

Heiko Hausendorf
Interlocution as system. Linguistic aspects of a sociology of interaction (Gespräch als System.
Linguistische Aspekte einer Soziologie der Interaktion)

Miriam Morek
Children explaining. A comparison of interactions in family and classroom discourse (Kinder erklären.
Interaktionen in Familie und Unterricht im Vergleich)

Petra Strähle
The acquisition of global Structures in Discourse: A Study of Children’s emerging competence in conventional Encounter Openings (Emergenz globaler Diskursfähigkeiten im Rahmen von Begrüßungsroutinen: Rekonstruktion interaktiver Erwerbsprozesse)

Juliane Stude
Children talking about language – A survey of interactive resources in the early acquisition of metalinguistic competences (Kinder sprechen über Sprache – Eine Untersuchung zu interaktiven Ressourcen des frühen Erwerbs metasprachlicher Kompetenzen)

Vivien Heller
Children’s communicative experiences in family and classroom discourse: matches and divergences (Kommunikative Erfahrungen von Kindern in Familie und Unterricht: Passungen und Divergenzen)

Claudia Müller
Narrative skills of L1 and L2 children and family literacy experiences (Kindliche Erzählfähigkeiten und (schrift-) sprachsozialisatorische Einflüsse in der Familie: Eine longitudinale Einzelfallstudie mit ein- und mehrsprachigen
(Vor-) Schulkindern)

Sören Ohlhus
Narrating as process. Interactive organization and narrative procedures in oral narrations of primary school children (Erzählen als Prozess.
Interaktive Organisation und narrative Verfahren in mündlichen Erzählungen von Grundschulkindern)

Heike Knerich
Frozen expressions as a resource in communicating fear and seizures (Vorgeformtheit als kommunikative Ressource in Angst- und Anfallsdarstellungen)




As secondary supervisor

Tabea Becker
Children learning to narrate - The development of children’s narrative skills by taking into account the narrative form (Kinder lernen erzählen.
Zur Entwicklung narrativer Fähigkeiten von Kindern unter Berücksichtigung der Erzählform)

Anja Schröder
Comparative analysis of interactive narrative skills in 6-year-old children suffering from a so-called specific language development disorder and children without language acquisition disorders (Vergleichende Analyse interaktiver Erzählfähigkeiten bei sechsjährigen Kindern mit einer so genannten spezifischen Sprachentwicklungsstörung und Kindern mit unauffälligem Spracherwerb)

Maria Teodora Ping
Dialogic oriented book reading for children with migration backgrounds

Sittipan Yotyodying
The Quality of Home-Based Parental Involvement: Antecedents and Consequences in German and Thai Families

Grace Shiao En Chng
Children's informal reasoning skills and epistemological beliefs within the family: The role of parenting practices, parental epistemological beliefs and family communication patterns


If you have any further questions or want to make a suggestion for improvement, please do not hesitate to mail to us at Team Quasthoff.

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